(Crochet) Yarn Simulation

Who can make hobby goes crazy! That might be me. I invented the patterns often. The thing happens at one moment when I got annoyed that I don’t know know much yarn I need to use for a project. So, this will be my small (research) project, reviewing and reading all yarn simulation stuff. And actually crochet is like programming, I think we can do so many thing with its algorithm....

February 19, 2024 · 1 min · 121 words · Romrawin Chumpu

I’m Something of a Painter Myself - So What I Am?

I’m Something of a Painter Myself - So What I Am? As of the title, there is a kaggle learning called, “I’m Something of a Painter Myself.” I added “- So What I Am?” for more artistic purpose 😆. Reference link is here. This dataset is a starter for style transfer. Who’s Monet His name is Oscar-Claude Monet, according to Wikipedia, he was a French painter and founder of impressionist painting who is seen as a key precursor to modernism....

February 15, 2024 · 1 min · 98 words · Romrawin Chumpu

Failures from ML Model Can Be Some Art!

A collection of my experiments while I’m working on infinity thousand images a day! Image understanding is fun, but failure from trying to understand them is much more fun. Artwork #1 - Food or What!? finetuning stable diffusion model food_txtclass-ldm-vq-xlmroberta-4 Thai tokens Almost there, dude. almost there 😄 At least some plates show.

February 14, 2024 · 1 min · 53 words · Romrawin Chumpu

Disney Wish Star

Disney Wish Star Crochet Pattern I fell in love with this character so much, star, in one of Disney’s 100th anniversary movies! For crochet pattern, this star is also beginner friendly to crochet. I want everyone to have their own wishing star. Let’s do it! Warning - this is a prototype 1, the look now might be little spooky :D. I’ll continue to play with the pattern, I’m sure that cuteness will glow with the star....

November 16, 2023 · 2 min · 328 words · Romrawin Chumpu

My Invented Crochet Pattern

Disney Wish Star Disney Wish Star’s pattern click here !

November 16, 2023 · 1 min · 10 words · Romrawin Chumpu

My Artworks Collection

The perk of feeling too much is it made us the greatest artist. But in reality, the world doesn’t need to know that. So we must stay hidden behind the shadow… or mustn’t we? – Distance between Jin and her latte cup, 2022 $$ d = \sqrt{(x_{1}-x_{0})^2+(y_{1}-y_{0})^2}, $$ where \(x\) and \(y\) are coordinate variables as René Descartes said. Enjoy my artworks? ☕ Buy me a coffee. Sketch Wandering around procreate and paper/pencil 📃....

3 min · Romrawin Chumpu

Project Collection

(Almost) Research Project       3D Face Generation

1 min · 9 words · Romrawin Chumpu